365 Days of Bliss – Through the Years

Happy December 13th everyone! Lynnette here with today’s 365 Days of Bliss post!

Adam and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary over the weekend so I thought it would be fun today to power up my scrapbooking time machine and share a few of the anniversary-themed layouts I’ve done over the years.

So to kick things off, here’s one of the very few wedding layouts I’ve done. What you don’t see in this layout is the fact that my parents and I planned the entire wedding in the 2.5 months while Adam was away at his Officer Basic Course. He came home December 6th, we got married on the 10th and left for Seoul, South Korea on the 17th. December 10th was literally the only Saturday option we had for the wedding. Gotta love the military timelines!

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Here we are on our 6th month wedding anniversary. It seemed like so long at the time!

Three things that come to mind when I look at this layout…

1) WOW, digi has come a LONG way since 2006!

2) I really wish I would have included some journaling on this page. I’m really curious to know what my 24 year old self would have to say!

3) I can’t get over how young we look!

6 months

So this next layout isn’t specifically anniversary related but the reason I’m including it is because the photos were in fact taken on our 1st wedding anniversary.

We were in the process of moving back to the US from Korea (I was actually flying home the next day) so we had moved out of our apartment that day and we spending the night in the hotel on the military base. Clearly we were feeling a little stir-crazy, haha!

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For our 2nd anniversary, Adam was deployed to Iraq which is why I went with another wedding photo for this layout. But I love the journaling on this page because from my perspective now, I kind of forget sometimes just how crazy our first 2 years of marriage were.


And another half-anniversary layout (I was big on these in the early years, haha). I love that the journaling mentions the last 6 months as being relaxing because really that was the first time in our young married life that things really slowed down. It has been one crazy ride up to that point!


And anniversary number 3…


Which is where the anniversary layouts stop. Apparently I was over anniversary layouts at this point? Not sure what happened there, haha.

To be fair Adam was deployed again for our 4th anniversary and I haven’t had a chance to scrap our 6th anniversary just yet, which really just leaves year 5. Which while we definitely took the time to celebrate it, I suspect the scrapbooking of it just got lost in the December Daily craziness of last year. That is definitely one downside to having an anniversary in December – holidays overshadow it!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little jaunt down anniversary memory lane! I love taking time to go back through my old layouts because not only does it remind me of stories I still want to tell, but it’s reminds me of the importance of journaling, telling my story, capturing the moments in life that matter most.

Have a great day everyone!

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